Strawberry Daiquiri


Name says it all, daiquiri with strawberry

Strawberry Daiquiri

Sometimes, we, drinkstagrammers, create cocktails which can be complicated for many people to make at home. It is for sure that complication is something relative but I get so many feedbacks about it. So, I decided to post relatively simple cocktails, too. This strawberry daiquiri is one of them, a simple twist to the original which can be done with any fresh season fruit. Sometimes, it may be better to keep things simple so that more people can benefit from it.


  • 60 ml White rum Havana 3
  • 30 ml Lime juice
  • 15 ml Simple syrup
  • 4-5 Strawberries


  • Muddle strawberries with simple syrup in your shaker. Add the rest of the ingredients and shake well with ice. Double-strain into a chilled glass and garnish with a strawberry.⁣
    Cheers! 🍓
Simple Syrup
One of the simplest cocktail ingredients
Check out this recipe
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