The Thin Man


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The Thin Man

This glass in the photo takes its name from a fictional couple, Nick and Nora Charles, from the movie The Thin Man. The characters sip cocktails from these glasses throughout the film which then makes the glass popular. I love this glass and it is a perfect choice especially for the spirit-forward cocktails. I immediately got one and prepared a martini twist using lavender & butterfly pea flower infused gin, citrus forward rose aperitivo and a few dashes of grapefruit bitters to boost the grapefruit notes. So, here is a really satisfying cocktail both visually and in taste.


  • 5 cl Lavender & butterfly pea flower infused gin
  • 2 cl Rose aperitivo⁣
  • 2 dashed Homemade grapefruit bitters⁣


  • Stir all ingredients over ice in a mixing glass or tin. Strain into a chilled Nick and Nora glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.⁣
    Cheers! 🍸
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