Harlequin Demon


A Halloween cocktail with mandarin, pumpkin and whisky

Harlequin Demon

Unfortunately, there is no Halloween concept in Turkey except a couple of parties which are started to be organized in the last few years. I think, I was first introduced to the Halloween with the movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas” which is one of my favorite animated movies of all time. So, there is no halloween for me without Jack Skellington. After a few failed trials (visually), I created this cocktail with the pairing of pumpkin and mandarin. I used activated carbon and sugar for the rim.


  • 60 ml Blended Scotch whisky @monkeyshoulder
  • 40 ml mandarin juice
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 20 ml pumpkin syrup @nextofmixology
  • 2 dashes chocolate bitters @thebittertruthcompany


  • Coat the rim of your glass with activated carbon-sugar. Shake with ice and double strain into an ice-filled glass.
    Cheers and happy halloween!🎃
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