Boulevardier (Quince Infused)


A Boulevardier twist with quince infused bourbon

Boulevardier (Quince Infused)

It is said that the Boulevardier cocktail was made by Erskine Gwynne, the publisher of the magazine with the same name, which was issued for expats in Paris in the 1920s. It is a variation of negroni that uses bourbon or rye whiskey instead of gin. When I shared a quince dessert to try in a cocktail a few months ago, @kokteylist suggested trying a Boulevardier. So I infused bourbon with a few quince slices and made the Boulevardier. The quince and spices added softened the mixture, while adding a nice depth and complexity to the cocktail.


  • 30 ml Quince-Infused Bourbon
  • 30 ml Campari
  • 30 ml Sweet Vermouth


  • Add all ingredients into your mixing glass/tin and stir until well-chilled. Express the oil of an orange peel and drop it in. You may also serve with slices of quince.
    Cheers! 🥃
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