New York Sour (Clarified)⁣


A clarified NY sour

New York Sour (Clarified)

Happy National Whiskey Sour day! Although, it is a national day in US, I do see no reason even for us to celebrate and have a nice whiskey sour. Although the classic recipe is one of my favorite and most preferred cocktails, I also enjoy making and having different variations of it. Milk clarification is one of my favorite techniques, so I wanted to make a clarified New York sour for this special day. You can prepare any variation of a whiskey sour before the clarification, that is totally up to your taste.⁣


  • 120 ml Milk-clarified whiskey sour
  • 30 ml Red wine to float


  • Cool and aerate your clarified whiskey sour using the throwing technique. Pour into your glass over a clear ice sphere. Slowly top with red wine.
    Cheers! 🥃🍷⁣
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