Kingston Negroni


Kingston Negroni

Happy Negroni Week Everyone! As a result of the global pandemic, sadly this year it will be a digital only event so that you may make your Negroni at home and celebrate. There is also a fundraising campaign for the hospitality industry which suffered a lot as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions. You may visit the Negroni Week website to make a donation. This year, I would like to celebrate with a Kingston Negroni, in which rum is used instead of gin. I used my currently favorite Plantantion Grande Reserve Rum and added a few dashes of my homemade orange bitters.


  • 30 ml Plantation Grande Reserve Rum
  • 30 ml Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth
  • 30 ml Campari
  • 2 dashes Homemade orange bitters


  • Add all ingredients into a mixing glass/tin and stir with ice until well-chilled, then strain over a large ice cube. Express the oil of an orange peel and discard. Garnish with a dehydrated orange wheel.
    Mixing Tin: Karman @soy_turkiye
    Cheers! 🥃
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