


Did you know that the term “julep” is defined as a sweet drink and derived from the Spanish “julepe”, from Spanish Arabic, and this from the Persian word gulāb (gul-rose, water-ab). The julep strainer has also many stories to tell but it is nowadays not so common that a cocktail is served using a julep strainer, but it was. Here is a twist to classic Mint Julep using Suze, bergamot cordial and basil.


  • 45 ml Bourbon
  • 15 ml Suze Gentian Liqueur
  • 15 ml Bergamot cordial
  • 5-6 Basil leaves
  • Bergamot bitters optional
  • Crushed ice


  • In a julep cup, lightly muddle the basil leaves in the bergamot cordial. Add the bourbon and fill the cup with crushed ice. Stir until the cup is frosted on the outside. Top with more crushed ice and garnish with basil microgreens on a julep strainer. You may add a few drops of bitters. Cheers! 🥃⁣
    Julep Cup and Strainer: @soy_turkiye
Bergamot Cordial
One of my favorite ingredients bergamot in one of its best form
Check out this recipe
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