

A Negroni variation with mezcal and amaro


I believe Negroni is one of the cocktails which bartenders most likely to make a twist of. Having equal parts of gin, Campari and sweet vermouth, it is one of my favorites and I really like to play with the recipe. You can replace the base; gin, simply with any other liquor to get a riff. Rum is my favorite to use instead of gin, however, this time I used mezcal, the smokiness of which balances the bitterness of Campari and the sweetness of the vermouth perfectly. I couldn’t stop there and paired the sweet vermouth with Cynar to add another layer of sweet earthiness to the cocktail.


  • 30 ml Mezcal
  • 30 ml Campari
  • 15 ml Cynar
  • 15 ml Sweet vermouth


  • Stir all ingredients over ice in a mixing glass or tin. Strain into ice-filled whisky glass. Express the oil of an orange peel and drop it in.
    ⁣Cheers! 🥃
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