Café Con Coco


An Irish coffee twist with rum

Café Con Coco⁣

Café Con Coco⁣

Irish Coffee is the first cocktail that comes to mind when we are talking about hot coffee cocktails. It simply consists of Irish whiskey, coffee, sugar and cream. In this cocktail, I used dark rum instead of whiskey, but a coconut oil-washed one. I added vanilla liqueur instead of sugar, but if you prefer it sweeter, you may add a teaspoon of sugar. I was planning to use a flavored cream as well, but then I changed my mind since there are enough flavors in the cocktail. The importance of the unsweetened cream is that it balances the alcohol and hot sugary coffee to provide a better drinking experience. You can also grate nutmeg on the cream to add a nice fragrance to your cocktail.⁣


  • 40 ml Coconut Oil-washed Dark Rum
  • 20 ml Galliano Vanilla⁣
  • 120 ml Hot Coffee
  • 1 tbsp Sugar (optional)⁣
  • Cream
  • Nutmeg


  • Add hot coffee, rum and liqueur into your Irish Coffee mug and give it a stir. Top with cream and garnish with grated nutmeg. ⁣⁣
    Cheers! ☕️
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