

A blend of Scotch whisky, Scotch heather honey, aromatic herbs and spices

Drambuie is a whisky liqueur with a 40% abv. It’s a liqueur made from Scotch whisky, Scottish heather honey, aromatic herbs and spices.

The history of Drambuie is said to date back to the 18th century. The name “Drambuie” is derived from the Scottish Gaelic phrase “An Dram Buidheach,” meaning “The Drink that Satisfies.”

One of the most well-known cocktails containing Drambuie is the Rusty Nail. It’s made by mixing 2 parts Scotch whisky with 1 part Drambuie over ice. I can’t necessarily say it’s a cocktail that personally appeals to me, both in terms of its ingredient formula and taste. However, tastes and preferences can change over time.

Describing Drambuie with its 40% alcohol level, sweetness, and mix of aromatic herbs and spices as an element of sweetness and flavor enhancement wouldn’t be far from accurate. You can comfortably use it to add depth and sweetness to cocktails, keeping in mind that it’s a whisky liqueur.

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