Where does the name Lelabbo come from?

The origin of the name “Le Labbo” is probably one of the most frequently asked questions for me. It’s quite understandable, as we’re talking about a word that doesn’t have any inherent meaning. “Le Labbo” is a derived word; it comes from the French word “Le Labo,” which means “the laboratory.” The reason I added an extra “b” to the word is unfortunately because the “lelabo” handle was already taken when I was creating my Instagram account. Of course, back then, there was no anticipation that the account would become what it is today and that it would even change my career. 🙂

Berlin: Checkpoint Charlie Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

But the story isn’t just about finding a French word and using it. There’s a bit more to the story. In late 2016, I traveled to Berlin with the intention of expanding my technology startup into the European market. If you’ve been to Berlin, you’re probably familiar with Checkpoint Charlie. My office was about 100 meters away from there. When I arrived at the office, we explored around, and the last door we opened revealed a sight that probably brought me the most joy. The door opened into a bar. And the name of the bar was “Le Labo”.

Given the situation and the fact that my home was also very close, I worked in the office until evening, then grab my laptop and head over to Le Labo, continuing to work there until closing time. 🙂 It’s the place where I had the best whiskey sours and my first Aviation cocktail, among many other cocktails.

When I created this Instagram account in late 2018, the first name that came to my mind was, of course, Le Labo. As I mentioned above, since the “lelabo” name was already taken, the account name had to become “lelabbo.”

Unfortunately, Le Labo is now closed. But I’m sharing a few pictures I saved in this blog post.

Le Labo, a panoramic view from outside

While talking about Le Labo, it wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Henry and Patrick, who always made the place enjoyable, of course. 🥃 

Here’s to hoping that everyone has a place they love as much in their lives. 🥂

The door: from office to Le Labo
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