
This is to celebrate the first step of an adventure of a thrillseeker friend of mine (@ecp.spirit) with his first import to Turkey; Smokehead Islay …

La Frontera

I generally share cocktails which are prepared using a shaker or mixing glass. However, as most of you know, there is another simple technique which …


To be honest, I am not a fan of kombucha. Till now, I have been asked a couple of times to make a cocktail using …

Melissa Mojito

Summer is almost here and having fresh melissa leaves gave the motivation to make a mojito twist. Actually, I realized that I haven’t shared a …

Ginger Sour

A simple, all-equal-parts recipe, and a sour one using the ginger cordial (an @inspiredchoice.ic recipe). I used Roku gin since it goes very well with …

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